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inBuilding provides One-Stop to a broad range of technology, including Internet access, phone service, network infrastructure, WiFi, data and premise security, and cabling. We make life easier, cheaper and more secure for you, whether you are in an office, working at home, or working away from the office and home (such as commuting or using a public WiFi at a coffee shop or elsewhere). Nationwide in scope, we have completed projects from San Diego to Seattle, and Boston to Miami, and various points in between.

Our most recent addition to the suite of available solutions is inBuilding Connect, which combines a next-gen, mesh based, high speed WiFi with multiple levels of data security to address the needs of today’s workforce which is often not at the office (such as working from home). This can be used as a standalone solution, or combined with an additional layer of data security with Fog Bank® or premise security with “Access Control”. Following is a short overview of these three solutions.